
Kalinke Lab

Ulrich Kalinke

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kalinke

Research Focus

Our group focuses on the analysis of (i) chronic herpes virus infection, (ii) infection-associated tissue inflammation, and (iii) the development of innovative interventions. For our projects we closely collaborate with physician scientists from the MHH.

CMV coevolved during Millions of years with its specific host. This is why different host species have their own CMV species (e.g. mouse CMV and human CMV) which manage to specifically evade relevant components of the host immunity. As a consequence, after CMV infection the virus is not eliminated but establishes a persistent infection. We want to understand early events in the host reponse against CMV infection andanalyze sensing platforms underlying the triggering of virus-specific immune responses.

On the one hand this is done by using mice devoid of one or several pattern recognition signaling platforms. On the other hand, primary human myeloid cell subsets, of which only a certain proportion is infected with HCMV, is tested with innovative technologies. Furthermore, we aim at understanding the pro- and anti-viral functions of type I IFN and to resolve why only some cells of an overall homogenous cell population are infected and produce type I IFN.

In the field of infection-associated tissue inflammation we aim at understanding local immunological processes that can differ fundatmentally in different organs. In particular dissecting responses mounted by tissue-resident myeloid cells and infiltrating leucocytes in acute viral hepatitis and encephalitis is one of our foci. For this purpose we are useing innovative mouse models, e.g., mice in which brain resident microglia, but not peripheral myeloid cells, are tagged by a fluorescense marker.

Based on the knowledge obtained in the research activities above we develop innovative interventions. Currently we aim at establishing a new approach for cell selective drug delivery in which the compound of interest is encapsulated in glycan-functionalized liposomes (TargoSpheres®) or chitosan coated poly (lactid-co-glycolide) acid (CS-PLGA). Furthermore, the researchers are intrested in identifying the molecular mechanism of HBV vaccination non-responsiveness.

Symbolic image for experimental infection research


Researcher Dr. Felix Mulenge in front of a computer

Better results through less stress

Researchers in Hannover have developed a new method for studying neuroinfections. This reduces errors in analysis and delivers more accurate results.

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Christine Ehlers and Theresa Graalmann in the lab

New approaches to research into systemic sclerosis 

A research team at TWINCORE was able to establish that TLR8 influences the formation of disease-relevant cytokines.

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Marco Galardini and Maureen Obara in the lab

More than the sum of the parts

TWINCORE researchers show role of epistatic interaction in the omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 virus .

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Dr. Matthias Bruhn and Prof. Ulrich Kalinke

Dr Matthias Bruhn awarded doctoral prize by the HZI Förderverein

Award ceremony as part of the Inhoffen Lecture on 13 June 2024

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Photo of Dr. Bibiana Costa and Prof. Ulrich Kalinke

Doctoral Prize of the Friends of the MHH goes to Dr Bibiana Costa

TWINCORE scientist honoured for outstanding doctoral thesis.

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Hijacking in the immune system

HCMV reprograms cellular defence mechanisms

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How pollen increases susceptibility to virus infection

TWINCORE researchers describe how birch pollen affects immune cells

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The scientist Dr Matt Matthias Bruhn is sitting at a sterile bench in the laboratory.

Diversity is the key

How B cells recognise new variants of SARS-CoV-2

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Start-up funding for antibody project

MEMUMAB research project receives GO-Bio initial funding / Kickoff on 22 November

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Vaccination success without B cells

Communication between immune cells determines response to vaccination

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A call for help from the brain

How immune cells are lured to the brain in encephalitis

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A Trojan horse against tuberculosis

New transport route for antibiotics directly into infected cells

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New junior research group "Translational Immunology

Clinician scientist Theresa Graalmann starts her own group at TWINCORE

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How cytomegaloviruses are kept in check

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Important mechanism of antigen presentation in guard cells of the immune system riddled

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New inhibition mechanism for Human Cytomegalovirus

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Does the liver fend heard muscle inflammation caused by Coxsackieviruses?

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Hepatitis therapy: balance between defence and regeneration via Kupffer cells

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Virus infections of bone marrow donors influence the outcome of transplantations

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New perspectives for research on hepatitis C virus

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Mode of action of a novel RNA-adjuvants detected – successful collaboration with the CureVac AG

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TWINCORE scientists identified cause of susceptibility to infection in rheumatism patients

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Cytomegalie research with human cells - on the trail of HCMV

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