
Graalmann Lab

Theresa Graalmann

Dr. Dr. Theresa Graalmann

Research focus

Graalmann Lab is aiming to solve clinical problems of immunocompromised patients suffering from frequent infectious diseases. In particular, patients with chronic rheumatic diseases and autoimmunity are immunosuppressed by the primary disease and additional immunomodulatory treatment.
In close collaboration with the Department for Rheumatology and Immunology of Hannover Medical School pathophysiological mechanisms leading to chronic inflammatory diseases are studied. Within such diseases, a specific focus lies on the origin of the connective tissues disease systemic sclerosis. Disease specific mechanisms are addressed using innovative methods to analyze immune cells derived directly from inflamed tissue of patients.
Chronic inflammatory diseases are treated using immunomodulatory drugs. Such drugs can influence immune responses upon infections and vaccinations. In order to develop better vaccination strategies for specific patient groups we analyze the impact of immunomodulatory drugs on vaccination responses.
The treatment of chronic rheumatic diseases using immunomodulatory drugs has a systemic impact on immune responses. Using innovative nanocarriers we aim to develop cell-selective targeting approaches to conduct active agents into affected immune cells. Such targeted therapy approaches might help to reduce infections caused by systemic immunomodulatory therapy.


Christine Ehlers and Theresa Graalmann in the lab

New approaches to research into systemic sclerosis 

A research team at TWINCORE was able to establish that TLR8 influences the formation of disease-relevant cytokines.

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The scientist Dr Matt Matthias Bruhn is sitting at a sterile bench in the laboratory.

Diversity is the key

How B cells recognise new variants of SARS-CoV-2

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Vaccination success without B cells

Communication between immune cells determines response to vaccination

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A Trojan horse against tuberculosis

New transport route for antibiotics directly into infected cells

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New junior research group "Translational Immunology

Clinician scientist Theresa Graalmann starts her own group at TWINCORE

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TWINCORE scientists identified cause of susceptibility to infection in rheumatism patients

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