Career at TWINCORE

We are a growing research institute with around 140 employees, regularly seeking dedicated new colleagues. Our interdisciplinary teams investigate infection processes at the intersection of basic and clinical research – and you can become part of this work. On this page, you’ll find our current job openings, but you are also welcome to submit an unsolicited application at any time.

Current Job Listings

There are currently no job offers. However, you can apply to us at any time on your own initiative.

Education and training at TWINCORE

Are you interested in an academic placement at TWINCORE, or are you looking for a scientifically sophisticated thesis? Our research groups are working on very interesting research projects in the field of translational infection research, so that almost always an appropriate position is available. Contact us for information or interview.

Voluntary scientific year

Since 2011, several young colleagues are working in the voluntary scientific year at TWINCORE. Based on our positive experience, we will again make interesting offers. Please feel free to contact us, we will inform you.

Laboratory courses for bachelor and master students

Frequently we receive inquiries whether students can graduate in biology, biochemistry, medicine or veterinary science lab courses with us. Depending on the availability of laboratory facilities, we can provide and individually agree such placements.

Bachelor theses

With us already several Bachelor theses in biology and biochemistry have been carried out. We have also collaborated with universities outside of Hanover. Find out, maybe we can also offer you an interesting thesis.

Master theses

In the field of science you can put with an outstanding master's thesis the foundation for a successful career as a researcher - a careful selection of the topic lays the groundwork for the future career. Many of our graduates we have set as master or doctoral students or they have been adopted by other renowned institutions. Inform yourself, it's worth it.


Medical students who participate in the StrucMed program, we can offer interesting experimental research projects - with a high rate of published medical promotions.

PhD theses

Under the various PhD programs in Hanover and Brunswick, but also independent of such programs, we offer PhD theses. Contact our group leaders, surely you will find interesting offers.

Investigator course for early clinical stages

Doctors and researchers that supervise the early stages of clinical studies are required to have completed a special course of training as investigator. Elements of this training are included in courses offered by the Clinical Study Centre of the Hannover Medical School (KS-MHH). Scientists from TWINCORE also provide lectures for these courses.

How to apply

Please send your application via mail or e-mail to Please note: We will only process digital applications if your complete application documents are summarized in a PDF document with a file size of less than 10 MB.