
Pietschmann Lab

Thomas Pietschmann

Prof. Thomas Pietschmann

Research focus

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Research

According to estimates by the World Health Organization (WHO), around 58 million people are chronically infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV). As a result of the chronic infection, many patients develop inflammation of the liver (hepatitis), which can damage the function of the organ and lead to fibrosis, cirrhosis, and liver cancer. Fortunately, chronic hepatitis C is now very treatable with combination therapy. However, major challenges remain: The vast majority of HCV-infected individuals are undiagnosed and remain undetected due to the usually slow progression of the disease. In addition, a drug cure does not protect against re-infection with HCV. Up to 1.5 million people become newly infected with the virus every year. Therefore, developing a prophylactic vaccine to limit viral transmission and ensure treatment success remains crucial.

We investigate the principles responsible for immune protection against HCV, concentrating primarily on antibody-mediated mechanisms. We examine the strategies used by viruses to evade the immune response and develop cell culture and animal models to test the efficacy of vaccine candidates. These systems are used to source proprietary vaccine candidates for clinical development.

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) research 

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), like HCV, has a worldwide distribution. In healthy adults, an RSV infection usually presents as a mild cold. However, RSV can also cause severe lower respiratory tract infections. Young children and immunocompromised patients, such as transplant recipients, are particularly at risk. Worldwide, RSV causes 33.4 million cases of acute lower respiratory tract infections in young children alone and between 53,000 and 199,000 associated deaths per year. Why some children develop particularly severe courses of disease is not well understood. Currently, only a few treatment options are available. Recently a vaccine was approved for individuals aged 60 and older for the prevention of lower respiratory tract disease caused by RSV.

Our research focuses on the principles responsible for severe RSV infections in young children in order to develop long-term diagnostic methods to better protect these particularly susceptible children. In addition, we investigate direct antiviral inhibitors against RSV.

Pandemic Preparedness

Up until mid-2023, the pandemic COVID-19 agent, SARS-CoV-2, had killed almost 7 million people worldwide. Though several vaccines are available, only a few treatment options for treating SARS-CoV-2 infections are available. In light of pandemic preparedness, we anticipate other coronaviruses will transmit to humans in the future. Therefore, we are developing direct antiviral molecules that are effective against a plethora of various coronaviruses.

Image for visualization of the topicOverview of our three research foci. a. Identification of elite neutralizers in HCV infections and establishment of an HCV-permissive animal model to aid in the development of an HCV vaccine. The HCV vaccine is being developed using a multi-platform strategy. b. Identifying modifiers of RSV disease severity in infants without pre-diseases to aid us in the definition of a matrix of genetic variants and/or quantitative biomarkers that will predict the risk for severe RSV disease. Moreover, we utilize drug repurposing libraries to identify novel drug targets against RSV. c. Screening of multiple libraries composed of licensed drugs for the discovery of host-targeting antivirals. Ultimately, we aim to identify broad-spectrum coronavirus antivirals in light of pandemic preparedness. Figure was partially created with and the


TWINCORE researcher Dr. Julie Sheldon in the laboratory next to a digital microscope

A major step for HCV research

Research team from Hannover adapts hepatitis C virus to infect mouse liver cells

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New hope in the fight against RSV

TWINCORE researchers discover promising drug candidate 

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Photo of the current five-member DZIF Executive Board and the management

Thomas Pietschmann elected to the Executive Board of the DZIF

DZIF Press Release

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Bacterial weapons against viral diseases

Discovery of two novel classes of natural products with activity against RNA viruses 

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Volkswagen Stiftung funds research on antiviral agents

Team led by TWINCORE virologist Pietschmann receives around 700,000 euros for RSV project 

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Lipid-lowering drugs not a risk factor in COVID-19.

Statins do not increase infectivity or viral replication of SARS-CoV-2

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A precise measure of protective immunity

New tool aims to make HCV vaccine search easier

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Two murine restriction factors limiting hepatitis C infection described

Research team at TWINCORE, with international collaborators, clarifies why mice are not susceptible to infection with hepatitis C virus 

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New research group “Computational Virology” at TWINCORE

Group leader Chris Lauber funded by RESIST 

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Searching for drugs against SARS-CoV-2

RESIST-Scientist Professor Pietschmann, head of the TWINCORE Insitute for Experimental Virology, leads the German part of an international consortium of scientists. This research network is searching for substances that act against SARS-CoV-2 in the world's largest substance repurposing bank "ReFrame".

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Eliminating hepatitis C viruses effectively

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Protein complex for hepatitis C-virus entry in liver cells is characterised

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New treatment approach for hepatitis E infections in pregnant women

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New perspectives for research on hepatitis C virus

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WHO handrub formulations are effective against emerging viruses

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Combined strength – immune cells cooperate in HIV defence

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Hepatitis C virus hijacks the host's fat metabolism

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Migränetabletten gegen Hepatitis C – Flunarizin hemmt den Viruseintritt in die Leberzellen

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Neuer antiviraler Mechanismus gegen Hepatitis C-Viren entdeckt

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