Our Researchers at TWINCORE
At TWINCORE, around 100 scientists work in the fields of virology, bacteriology, and immunology. Here, you can find a list of all individuals involved in our research.
96 researchers

Dr. Camille Andrieu
Postdoctoral Researcher

Abraham Ayanwale
PhD Student

Dr. Dorothea Bankwitz
Project Manager

Prof. Dr. Yannic Bartsch
Junior Group Leader

Kira Baumann
Technical Assistant

Dr. Patrick Behrendt
Group Leader

Hannah Biermann
Master Student
Muhammad Hurrarah Bin Hamid

Finja Borchers
StrucMed PhD Student
Safaa Bouheraoua
PhD Student

Dr. Matthias Bruhn
Postdoctoral Researcher

Judit Burgaya Ventura
PhD Student (ZIB Program)

Lena Busker
PhD Student
Dr. Arnaud Carpentier
Postdoctoral Researcher

Chutao Chen
PhD Student

Li Chuin Chong
PhD Student
Michel Decker
Master Student

Katja Dinkelborg
PhD Student

Dilfuza Djamalova
PhD Student
Mandy Döpke
Technical Assistant