Kalinke Lab

Towards the molecular mechanism of HBV vaccination non-responsiveness

About this project

Since 1986, genetically engineered second generation HBV vaccines are on the market which consist the HBV surface antigen (HBsAg). The vaccines are produced in yeast and formulated with alum as adjuvant. They are considered the first true anti-cancer vaccine. Even though second generation HBV vaccines are considered to be amongst the safest and most effective vaccines ever made, approximately 5% of vaccinated individuals do not respond to vaccination. Therefore, we aim at identifying immunological and genetic mechanisms of non-responsiveness to HBV-vaccination. Based on this information we will then search for new strategies to overcome the HBV vaccination non-responsiveness. This project is carried out by an interdisciplinary group of clinicians and immunological experts at different centers of the Helmholtz Association, the German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ), the Helmholtz-Center Munich, and the HZI, and clinical units of MHH and the Technical University Munich (TUM) (Cluster of Excellence - Resolving Infection Susceptibility (RESIST)).

Image for visualization of the topicThe intramuscularly applied HBV vaccine leads to the activation of immune cells. As a consequence, B cells release protective antibodies, which can neutralize HBV.