2023International journal of molecular sciences24 (9) : 8005
Do GWAS-Identified Risk Variants for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Influence Overall Patient Survival and Disease Progression?
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Transcriptome Dynamics of Pseudomonas aeruginosa during Transition from Overlapping To Non-Overlapping Cell Cycles
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2023EMBO reports24 (4) : e55747
Metabolomics meets systems immunology
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ChemGAPP: a tool for chemical genomics analysis and phenotypic profiling
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2023Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin28 (17) : 2300196
Within-patient horizontal transfer of pOXA-48 from a hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae SL218 to Serratia marcescens following spread of the K. pneumoniae isolate among hospitalised patients, Denmark, 2021
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Reinforcement of cell-mediated immunity driven by tumor-associated Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-specific T cells during targeted B-cell therapy with rituximab
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2023International journal of molecular sciences24 (7) : 6029
GWAS-Identified Variants for Obesity Do Not Influence the Risk of Developing Multiple Myeloma: A Population-Based Study and Meta-Analysis
Sánchez-Maldonado J, Cabrera-Serrano A, Chattopadhyay S, Campa D, Garrido M, Macauda A, Ter Horst R, Jerez A, Netea M, Li Y, Hemminki K, Canzian F, Försti A, Sainz J
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Targeted plasma proteomics identifies MICA and IL1R1 proteins associated with HIV-1 reservoir size
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IFNAR signaling of neuroectodermal cells is essential for the survival of C57BL/6 mice infected with Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus
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Adeno-associated virus serotype 2 capsid variants for improved liver-directed gene therapy
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