Quantification of polyreactive immunoglobulin G facilitates the diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis

R Taubert, B Engel, J Diestelhorst, KL Hupa-Breier, P Behrendt, NT Baerlecken, KW Sühs, MK Janik, K Zachou, M Sebode, C Schramm, MC Londono, S Habes, YH Oo, C Lalanne, S Pape, M Schubert, M Hust, S Dübel, M Thevis, D Jonigk, J Beimdiek, FFR Buettner, JPH Drenth, L Muratori, DH Adams, JK Dyson, A Renand, I Graupera, AW Lohse, GN Dalekos, P Milkiewicz, M Stangel, B Maasoumy, T Witte, H Wedemeyer, MP Manns, E Jaeckel

Erschienen in

Hepatology: Volume 75, Issue 1

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DOI: 10.1002/hep.32134