Yannic Bartsch

Prof. Dr. Yannic Bartsch



Yannic Bartsch is head of the junior research group ‘Antiviral Antibody-Omics’ at TWINCORE. His primary research focus is the analysis and understanding of the role of antibody-mediated effects in (infectious) diseases, with the aim of using antibodies therapeutically to attenuate the course of infections.

Dr Bartsch obtained his doctorate at the University of Lübeck, where he examined the protective effect of IgG Fc sialylation in mouse models of autoimmune diseases and a mechanism for adjuvant-dependent alteration of IgG glycosylation after vaccination in mice. As a postdoc at the Ragon Institute of the MGH, MIT and Harvard in Cambridge (USA), he investigated the role of the Fc effector functions of antibodies in the laboratories of Prof. Dr Galit Alter and Prof. Dr Boris Julg in viral infections, such as HIV and SARS-CoV-2. Furthermore, he demonstrated the crucial role of Fc-mediated antibody effector function for protection against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). His research has led to numerous (first) authorships in renowned (peer-reviewed) journals.