Dr. Sibylle Haid

Teamleitung Respiratorische Viren


Sibylle Haid is deputy head of institute and senior postdoc at the Institute for Experimental Virology at TWINCORE. She studied molecular medicine at the University of Freiburg and graduated in 2006. She completed her doctorate at the Hannover Medical School (Institute for Experimental Virology) on her work on the cell entry mechanism of the hepatitis C virus. Since 2012, she has been focusing her work on respiratory infections, with a particular emphasis on respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). She is working on the genetic determinants that cause severe RSV infection and on the development of new antiviral drugs.


2024Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy68 (3) : e0121023

Repurposing screen identifies novel candidates for broad-spectrum coronavirus antivirals and druggable host targets

Haid S, Matthaei A, Winkler M, Sake S, Gunesch A, Milke V, Köhler N, Rückert J, Vieyres G, Kühl D, Nguyen T, Göhl M, Lasswitz L, Zapatero-Belinchón F, Brogden G, Gerold G, Wiegmann B, Bilitewski U, Brown R, Brönstrup M, Schulz T, Pietschmann T

2024Nature communications15 (1) : 1173

Drug repurposing screen identifies lonafarnib as respiratory syncytial virus fusion protein inhibitor

Sake S, Zhang X, Rajak M, Urbanek-Quaing M, Carpentier A, Gunesch A, Grethe C, Matthaei A, Rückert J, Galloux M, Larcher T, Le Goffic R, Hontonnou F, Chatterjee A, Johnson K, Morwood K, Rox K, Elgaher W, Huang J, Wetzke M, Hansen G, Fischer N, Eléouët J, Rameix-Welti M, Hirsch A, Herold E, Empting M, Lauber C, Schulz T, Krey T, Haid S, Pietschmann T

2024Frontiers in immunology15 : 1443665

A clinical protocol for a German birth cohort study of the Maturation of Immunity Against respiratory viral Infections (MIAI)

Hartmann C, Khan R, Schöning J, Richter M, Willers M, Pirr S, Heckmann J, Dirks J, Morbach H, Konrad M, Fries E, Winkler M, Büchel J, Seidenspinner S, Fischer J, Vollmuth C, Meinhardt M, Marissen J, Schmolke M, Haid S, Pietschmann T, Backes S, Dölken L, Löber U, Keil T, Heuschmann P, Wöckel A, Sagar, Ulas T, Forslund-Startceva S, Härtel C, Viemann D

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Mikroskopisches Bild von mit RSV transfizierten Zellen. Grün: Mit GFP markiertes RSV-F-Protein im Zytoplasma der Zellen, Magenta: RSV-F-Protein, Blau: Zellkerne. ©TWINCORE/Carpentier

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