
2024The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology154 (4) : 1069-1075

Phenotypic and pathomechanistic overlap between tapasin and TAP deficiencies

Elsayed A, von Hardenberg S, Atschekzei F, Graalmann T, Jänke C, Witte T, Ringshausen F, Sogkas G

2024The Journal of infection88 (1) : 57-60

Memory B cells anticipate SARS-CoV-2 variants through somatic hypermutation

Bruhn M, Obara M, Chiyyeadu A, Costa B, Salam A, Ziegler A, Waltl I, Pavlou A, Bonifacius A, Hoffmann M, Graalmann T, Pöhlmann S, Eiz-Vesper B, Schambach A, Kalinke U

2024The Lancet. Infectious diseases24 (1) : e1-e3

Humoral and cellular immune responses following BNT162b2 XBB.1.5 vaccination

Stankov M, Hoffmann M, Gutierrez Jauregui R, Cossmann A, Morillas Ramos G, Graalmann T, Winter E, Friedrichsen M, Ravens I, Ilievska T, Ristenpart J, Schimrock A, Willenzon S, Ahrenstorf G, Witte T, Förster R, Kempf A, Pöhlmann S, Hammerschmidt S, Dopfer-Jablonka A, Behrens G

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New junior research group "Translational Immunology

Clinician scientist Theresa Graalmann starts her own group at TWINCORE

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Christine Ehlers and Theresa Graalmann in the lab

New approaches to research into systemic sclerosis 

A research team at TWINCORE was able to establish that TLR8 influences the formation of disease-relevant cytokines.

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The scientist Dr Matt Matthias Bruhn is sitting at a sterile bench in the laboratory.

Diversity is the key

How B cells recognise new variants of SARS-CoV-2

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