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A complete list of publications of our researchers.

973 publications


Induction of thymic atrophy and loss of thymic output by type-I interferons during chronic viral infection

T Démoulins, ML Baron, D Gauchat, N Kettaf, SJ Reed, T Charpentier, U Kalinke, A Lamarre, R Ahmed, RP Sekaly, S Sarkar, V Kalia


Characterization of RNA Sensing Pathways in Hepatoma Cell Lines and Primary Human Hepatocytes

W Nicolay, R Moeller, S Kahl, F Vondran, T Pietschmann, S Kunz, G Gerold

2021Mar Drugs

Ecological and Pharmacological Activities of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) from the Indonesian Marine Sponge Lamellodysidea herbacea

MR Faisal, MY Kellermann, S Rohde, MY Putra, T Murniasih, C Risdian, KI Mohr, J Wink, DF Praditya, E Steinmann, M Köck, PJ Schupp


Fluvastatin mitigates SARS-CoV-2 infection in human lung cells

FJ Zapatero-Belinchon, R Moeller, L Lasswitz, M van Ham, M Becker, G Brogden, E Rosendal, W Bi, B Carriqui-Madronal, K Islam, A Lenman, AP Gunesch, J Kirui, T Pietschmann, AK Överby, L Jänsch, G Gerold

2021J Clin Invest

Congenital deficiency reveals critical role of ISG15 in skin homeostasis

M N H Malik, S F H Waqas, J Zeitvogel, J Cheng, R Geffers, Z A E Gouda, A M Elsaman, A R Radwan, M Schefzyk, P Braubach, B Auber, R Olmer, M Müsken, L M Roesner, G Gerold, S Schuchardt, S Merkert, U Martin, F Meissner, T Werfel, F Pessler

2021Commun Biol

Single-cell transcriptional profiling of splenic fibroblasts reveals subset-specific innate immune signatures in homeostasis and during viral infection

J Pezoldt, C Wiechers, F Erhard, U Rand, T Bulat, M Beckstette, A Brendolan, J Huehn, U Kalinke, M Mueller, B Strobl, B Deplancke, L Cicin-Sain, K M Sitnik


Direct and Indirect Proof of SARS-CoV-2 Infections in Indigenous Wiwa Communities in North-Eastern Colombia-A Cross-Sectional Assessment Providing Preliminary Surveillance Data

G Concha, H Frickmann, A Oey, M Strengert, L Kreienbrock, S Kann

2021Int J Environ Health Res

Groundwater, soil and compost, as possible sources of virulent and antibiotic-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa

E Kaszab, J Rado, B Kriszt, J Paszti, V Lesinszki, A Szabo, G Toth, A Khaledi, S Szoboszlay

2021Int J Mol Sci

The Upper Respiratory Tract of Felids Is Highly Susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 Infection

N Krüger, C Rocha, S Runft, J Krüger, I Färber, F Armando, E Leitzen, G Brogden, G Gerold, S Pöhlmann, M Hoffmann, W Baumgärtner