Inactivation of Zika virus in human breast milk by prolonged storage or pasteurization

Pfaender S, Vielle N, Ebert N, Steinmann E, Alves M, Thiel V

Published in

Virus research: Volume 228, Page 58-60


Zika virus infection during pregnancy poses a serious risk for pregnant women as it can cause severe birth defects. Even though the virus is mainly transmitted via mosquitos, human-to-human transmission has been described. Infectious viral particles have been detected in breast milk of infected women which raised concerns regarding the safety of breastfeeding in areas of Zika virus transmission or in case of a suspected or confirmed Zika virus infection. In this study, we show that Zika virus is effectively inactivated in human breast milk after prolonged storage or upon pasteurization of milk.

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DOI: 10.1016/j.virusres.2016.11.025