
Galardini Lab

Marco Galardini

Prof. Dr. Marco Galardini


2024Genome biology25 (1) : 228

Real-time identification of epistatic interactions in SARS-CoV-2 from large genome collections

Innocenti G, Obara M, Costa B, Jacobsen H, Katzmarzyk M, Cicin-Sain L, Kalinke U, Galardini M

2024Nature communications15 (1) : 952

Anti-CRISPR Anopheles mosquitoes inhibit gene drive spread under challenging behavioural conditions in large cages

D'Amato R, Taxiarchi C, Galardini M, Trusso A, Minuz R, Grilli S, Somerville A, Shittu D, Khalil A, Galizi R, Crisanti A, Simoni A, Müller R

2023Microbial genomics9 (11) : 001129

Reduced ambiguity and improved interpretability of bacterial genome-wide associations using gene-cluster-centric k-mers

Sommer H, Djamalova D, Galardini M

2023PLoS genetics19 (8) : e1010842

The bacterial genetic determinants of Escherichia coli capacity to cause bloodstream infections in humans

Burgaya J, Marin J, Royer G, Condamine B, Gachet B, Clermont O, Jaureguy F, Burdet C, Lefort A, de Lastours V, Denamur E, Galardini M, Blanquart F, Colibafi/Septicoli & Coliville groups

2023Nature communications14 (1) : 3667

Epistatic interactions between the high pathogenicity island and other iron uptake systems shape Escherichia coli extra-intestinal virulence

Royer G, Clermont O, Marin J, Condamine B, Dion S, Blanquart F, Galardini M, Denamur E

2023Scientific reports13 (1) : 7038

The DNA cytosine methylome revealed two methylation motifs in the upstream regions of genes related to morphological and physiological differentiation in Streptomyces coelicolor A(3)2 M145

Pisciotta A, Sampino A, Presentato A, Galardini M, Manteca A, Alduina R

2023Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)39 (4) : btad171

ChemGAPP: a tool for chemical genomics analysis and phenotypic profiling

Doherty H, Kritikos G, Galardini M, Banzhaf M, Moradigaravand D

2022Nature609 (7925) : 144-150

Bacterial retrons encode phage-defending tripartite toxin-antitoxin systems

Bobonis J, Mitosch K, Mateus A, Karcher N, Kritikos G, Selkrig J, Zietek M, Monzon V, Pfalz B, Garcia-Santamarina S, Galardini M, Sueki A, Kobayashi C, Stein F, Bateman A, Zeller G, Savitski M, Elfenbein J, Andrews-Polymenis H, Typas A

2022PLoS genetics18 (3) : e1010112

Genome wide association study of Escherichia coli bloodstream infection isolates identifies genetic determinants for the portal of entry but not fatal outcome

Denamur E, Condamine B, Esposito-Farèse M, Royer G, Clermont O, Laouenan C, Lefort A, de Lastours V, Galardini M, COLIBAFI, SEPTICOLI groups


New research group "Systems Biology of Microbial Communities" launched at TWINCORE

RESIST professorship for Marco Galardini

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Marco Galardini and Maureen Obara in the lab

More than the sum of the parts

TWINCORE researchers show role of epistatic interaction in the omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 virus .

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How does an intestinal germ become a pathogen?

Scientists are looking for a connection between bacterial genes and disease severity

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Judit Burgaya, Jenny Fiebig and Bamu Damaris

Better prediction of bacterial properties

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