Event information

Prof. Dr. Akram Alian

Technion Institute, Haifa, Israel

Titel: "HIV use of alternative routes through cellular pathways"

Zeit: 17:00 Uhr s.t.
Ort: TWINCORE Lecture Hall

Dr. Alian will be available for talks throughout the day. Please contact Christine Goffinet for slot allocation.


Viruses rely on hijacking the cellular machinery of their host for successful replication. Since all protein-protein interactions depend on specific physical interfaces between interacting proteins, mimicry of cellular protein-protein interacting interfaces may be a mechanism by which pathogens modulate the biology of their hosts. The disorder of HIV-1 accessory proteins, the presence of homologous sets of viral or cellular proteins with conserved binding domains, and harboring multiple protein-protein interacting motifs or participating in different multi-protein complexes favor diversity and flexibility in interaction partners. The highest fitness pathogen variant is that who is able to select for the most favorable cellular pathway, most successfully evading obstacles presented by the host environment. Evidence indicates that the replication of HIV-1 needs to be considered on a pathway level recognizing that interactions with specific cellular factors may be readily replaceable when challenged. This will necessitate the convergence of proteogenomic, transcriptomic among other "omic" efforts to map thé network oï pathogen interactions with cellular pathways, importantly highlighting redundancies and alternatives.


Jun.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christine Goffinet
Institut für Experimentelle Virologie
Gruppe Angeborene Immunität und Virale Evasion
Feodor-Lynen-Str. 7
30625 Hannover
Fax. +49-511-220027-139
Email: christine.goffinet(at)