Special Seminar - Scientific Gastroenterology Colloquium

Event information

We invite you to a special seminar of our Scientific Gastroenterology Colloquium with the invited speaker Brian Sheridan, NY, USA

“No guts, no glory: Tissue-resident memory T cells in the intestinal mucosa”

Thursday, 18th January 2024
at 13:00 / 1 p.m. st
in the TWINCORE seminar room 0020

and online via Zoom:

Meeting-ID: 858 1006 6579
Kenncode: 706504

Information about the Speaker:

Brian Sheridan
Associate Professor
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Center for Infectious Diseases,
Renaissance School of Medicine, Stony Brook University , Stony Brook, NY, USA.


Recent publication related to the lecture:

Retinoic acid signaling during priming licenses intestinal CD103+ CD8 TRM cell differentiation.
Qiu Z, Khairallah C, Chu TH, Imperato JN, Lei X, Romanov G, Atakilit A, Puddington L, Sheridan BS. J Exp Med. 2023 May 1;220(5):e20210923.

Evtl. Rückfragen bitte an:

Priv.-Doz. Dr. rer. nat. Anke Kraft

Medical School Hannover
Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Infectious Diseases and Endocrinology OE6810
AG Cornberg/Kraft

Located at:
M04, Level 2, room 2171
30625 Hannover
Phone: +49-511-22002-7211
Website: https://www.mhh.de/ghie