04.-05.03.2014 PEP-Promotors Program
"Professors as Entrepreneurship Promotors- Start-up support in the context of the research alliance"
Invitation to the upcoming event in Hannover:
PEP Business Plan Project Seminar
Date: 04.-05. March 2014, 09:00 - 17:00 h
Participants: PhDs and PostDocs (MPG and Helmholtz)
Participation is free!
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Klaus Nathusius
Klaus Nathusius, University of Cologne (1969-1974), project manager "business ventures", Doctoral thesis on "Corporate Venture Capital in the USA" (Prof. Dr. Norbert Szyperski). 1978 start GENES GmbH Venture Services, raised international VC funds, pioneer of VC finance, 1989 Chairman European Venture Capital Association, 1992-1999 investments in industrial companies in former GDR. Since 1978 he was entrepreneurship lecturer at Universities of Cologne, Dortmund, Kassel and EBS, and furthermore Visiting Professor at Vienna University of Economics, Honorary Prof. Entrepreneurship Kassel University and Honorary Prof. Entrepreneurship + Entrepreneurial Finance University of Goettingen. 2011 he joined Prof. Dr. M. Ebers at University of Cologne as the Project Coordinator of the BMBF Project "Professors as Entrepreneurship Promotors".
The aim and content of the event
Participants will also learn the creation of a complete business plan (Geschäftsplan) in addition to the introduction to the basics of entrepreneurial planning. Focus is on the following topics:
- the necessary preparatory work of analysis and benchmarking with consideration to the national and international market environment (competitors, customer groups etc.)
- the technological framework and the intellectual property issues,
- the financial framework and instruments
- the introduction into the human resources management,
- the planning conditions, planning processes and planning tools and
- the use of an integrated, software-based foundation planning program.
PEP Promotorenprogramm
The research project Entrepreneurship professors as promoters (PEP) is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The aim is to introduce professors and scientists interested in the founding subject to support their start-up projects. In this process professors take the position of a promoter in order to support the founders group. You are possibly also interested to be involved in a technology based start-up initative.
Further information about the PEP program can be found in the Annex under: .pep-promotoren..
We look forward to welcoming you.
Sincerely yours Klaus Nathusius ______________________________________________________________
Prof. Dr. Klaus Nathusius
PEP promoter`s program project coordination
Kölner Straße 27
D-50226 Frechen at Cologne
Phone: +49- (0) -2234-95546-12
Fax: +49- (0) -2234-95546-4
E-Mail: <link>nathusius@pep-promotorenn.de
Website: <link http: www.pep-promotoren.de>www.pep-promotoren.de