Dear all,
on Wednesday, 24th of April at 3pm, Ms. Prof. Eleanor Barnes from Oxford University will hold a talk at TWINCORE, room 0.020:
Title: “Challenges and Progress towards a vaccine against hepatitis C Virus”
Zoom is also available:
Meeting ID: 83304518738
Password: 113867
Eleanor Barnes is Professor of Hepatology and Experimental Medicine at Oxford University and the John Radcliffe hospital leading a research group in applied immunology relevant to liver disease. These include T cell vaccines against viral hepatitis and defining the heterogeneity of T cell immunity in natural infection in blood and liver. Ellie has led human experimental medicine studies developing a prophylactic HCV vaccine that progressed to phase II studies in the USA. She has assessed T cell genetic adjuvants in humans and has developed HBV simian adenoviral vectored vaccines for HBV immunotherapy used in combination with check point modulators. Her current focus is on developing new HCV vaccines that encode pan-genotypic T and B cell immunogens and in progressing a human HCV challenge model in which vaccine efficacy can be assessed.
She has co-led major programs of work during the COVID19 pandemic that included the assessment of vaccine responses in patients with liver disease and immune suppressed and clinically vulnerable populations. She is also leading on a CRUK program that aims to detect liver cancer early (