SFB 298 - SIIRI Implant Lecture

Informationen zur Veranstaltung

Dear colleagues,

we sincerely invite you to the upcoming SIIRI Implant Lecture of our Collaborative Research Centre / TRR 298 'Safety-Integrated and Infection-Reactive Implants'

on March 7th at 5 pm at NIFE (Stadtfelddamm 34, 30625 Hannover):

‘Metabolic heterogeneity and antibiotic tolerance in bacterial biofilms’

Prof. Lars Dietrich
Department of Biological Sciences
Columbia University, New York, USA

Chair/Moderation: Prof. Dr. Susanne Häußler

We are very much looking forward to Prof. Dietrich´s talk and your participation!

Please register your participation by sending an email to: siiri@mh-hannover.de

Best regards,

Meike Stiesch
Hans Jürgen Maier

Safety-Integrated and Infection-Reactive Implants
Prof. Dr. Meike Stiesch, MHH (SIIRI Spokesperson)
Prof. Dr. Hans Jürgen Maier, LUH (SIIRI Deputy Spokesperson)