
Eine vollständige Liste der Publikationen unserer Forscher.

973 Publikationen

2012PLoS Pathog

The YfiBNR Signal Transduction Mechanism Reveals Novel Targets for the Evolution of Persistent Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Cystic Fibrosis Airways

J G Malone, T Jaeger, P Manfredi, A Dotsch, A Blanka, R Bos, G R Cornelis, S Haussler, U Jenal


Regulatory T cells in the bone marrow microenvironment in patients with prostate cancer

E Zhao, L Wang, J Dai, I Kryczek, S Wei, L Vatan, S Altuwaijri, T Sparwasser, G Wang, E T Keller, W Zou

2012J Invest Dermatol

The Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Foxp3+ Treg Cell-Mediated Suppression during Contact Hypersensitivity Responses in a Murine Model

S Lehtimaeki, T Savinko, K Lahl, T Sparwasser, H Wolff, A Lauerma, H Alenius, N Fyhrquist

2012PLoS Pathog

Conditional Stat1 Ablation Reveals the Importance of Interferon Signaling for Immunity to Listeria monocytogenes Infection

E Kernbauer, V Maier, D Stoiber, B Strobl, C Schneckenleithner, V Sexl, U Reichart, B Reizis, U Kalinke, A Jamieson, M Mueller, T Decker

2008Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol

Improved differentiation of pancreatic tumors using contrast-enhanced endoscopic ultrasound

C F Dietrich, A Ignee, B Braden, A P Barreiros, M Ott, M Hocke

2008Cell Transplant

Murine embryonic stem cell-derived hepatic progenitor cells engraft in recipient livers with limited capacity of liver tissue formation

A D Sharma, T Cantz, A Vogel, A Schambach, D Haridass, M Iken, M Bleidissel, M P Manns, H R Scholer, M Ott