Methylene Blue Treatment of Grafts During Cold Ischemia Time Reduces the Risk of Hepatitis C Virus Transmission

Helfritz F, Bojkova D, Wanders V, Kuklinski N, Westhaus S, von Horn C, Rauen U, Gallinat A, Baba H, Skyschally A, Swoboda S, Kinast V, Steinmann E, Heusch G, Minor T, Meuleman P, Paul A, Ciesek S

Erschienen in

The Journal of infectious diseases: Volume 218, Issue 11, Page 1711-1721


BACKGROUND: Although organ shortage is a rising problem, organs from hepatitis C virus (HCV) ribonucleic acid (RNA)-positive donors are not routinely transplanted in HCV-negative individuals. Because HCV only infects hepatocytes, other organs such as kidneys are merely contaminated with HCV via the blood. In this study, we established a protocol to reduce HCV virions during the cold ischemic time. METHODS: Standard virological assays were used to investigate the effect of antivirals, including methylene blue (MB), in different preservation solutions. Kidneys from mini pigs were contaminated with Jc1 or HCV RNA-positive human serum. Afterwards, organs were flushed with MB. Hypothermic machine perfusion was used to optimize reduction of HCV. RESULTS: Three different antivirals were investigated for their ability to inactivate HCV in vitro. Only MB completely inactivated HCV in the presence of all perfusion solutions. Hepatitis C virus-contaminated kidneys from mini pigs were treated with MB and hypothermic machine perfusion without any negative effect on the graft. Human liver-uPA-SCID mice did not establish HCV infection after inoculation with flow through from these kidneys. CONCLUSIONS: This proof-of-concept study is a first step to reduce transmission of infectious HCV particles in the transplant setting and might serve as a model for other relevant pathogens.

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DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiy386