
Mandy Döpke successfully completed her training as a medical-technical laboratory assistant at the Leipzig Vocational School of Medicine in 2000.

Mandy Döpke has been working at TWINCORE in the Institute for Experimental Virology since November 2011. She supports numerous projects in hepatitis C virus vaccine research and carries out serological patient screenings against the SARS-CoV-2 virus.


2021Gut70 (9) : 1734-1745

Hepatitis C reference viruses highlight potent antibody responses and diverse viral functional interactions with neutralising antibodies

Bankwitz D, Bahai A, Labuhn M, Doepke M, Ginkel C, Khera T, Todt D, Ströh L, Dold L, Klein F, Klawonn F, Krey T, Behrendt P, Cornberg M, McHardy A, Pietschmann T


Ein präziser Maßstab für schützende Immunität

Neues Werkzeug soll die Suche nach dem HCV-Impfstoff erleichtern
